The Church of Christ at Schaffer Road is not made of bricks and mortar. Nor is it made of steel, plaster or dry-wall. Rather, it’s made up of people—imperfect people—united by our faith in Jesus Christ…and we happen to meet at 554 Schaffer Road in Marietta, Georgia.

We journey together on a mission to share the power of Christ through love, service and leadership. Following in His footsteps, we realize that stumbling is a part of the journey. However, we concentrate on how to get back up—moving forward one step at a time—focused on our ultimate goal of one day reuniting with Christ in heaven.

We believe that true worship to God is practiced as a lifestyle. As such, no matter how many times we fall we comeback to a few core values repeated throughout the Bible and Christ’s earthly ministry—values that illustrate who we are and what we hope to become as Christians. Upon these principles we adjust our attitudes and refocus our energy.

We are a group of ordinary individuals who believe that the bible is the infallible Word of God and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind. By submitting to God’s Word we seek to help others know Christ through acts of love, service and leadership.



The cornerstone of our faith is the Bible—the source of all truth. It is the essential message and final authority in our faith, life and witness—unchanging and necessary for salvation. We know who we are and embrace our limitations in order to become limitless in Christ.

Jesus > Everything


Jesus is the head of our lives and the example by which we are to live. He built His church and paid for it with His blood so that we might have new life with Him in Heaven. We exercise our faith by making Jesus our first priority.


Relationships (Church=People)

God never intended the church to dwell within the confines of a building, and it never will. Church is not a place we go on Sundays; it describes a relationship among God’s children. And wherever there are two or more, there’s church. We work hard, we laugh louder and we rejoice in His goodness together.

Servant Leadership


Christianity is more than a set of religious beliefs; it is a posture of service. We are a culture of equals empowered with unique gifts in a world that is less about us and more about the power of God—in the church, in our homes and everywhere else. Our service is not optional, it is a privilege.



Our faith gives us direction, courage, comfort, and hope. Whether in doubt or thanksgiving, God allows us—His children—the opportunity to commune with Him in prayer. Continuously, we yield to Christ in prayer where He transforms us inside out and renews our spirit with the power of His grace.



The Christian life is an intentional one filled with acts of faith that contribute towards the advancement of God’s kingdom. We love God. We enthusiastically worship Him, study His Word, and accept His calling to be fishers of men. Our pursuit of Christ is a daily sacrifice and devotion.



On our walk with Christ we encounter a great number in need, pain or suffering. It is our duty to meet those who have need with the same radical and self-sacrificing care that God extended to us. When we are compassionate, we meet more than needs; we extend an invitation for the recipient to know God and the fullness of His grace.

Gratitude = Generosity


As Christians, we are recipients of the greatest gift ever known—the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We freely received, so we freely give of our love, time, talents and resources. We give abundantly, not out of obligation or duty, but with gratitude in understanding that we could never put a price on Christ’s sacrifice.


Humility + Honor

The world tells us that we must be great in order to gain honor. But God tells that honor is reserved for those with the spirit of humility. Humility is trusting in God for all things—not ourselves—giving Him all the glory. We love others as God has loved us, we forgive as He has forgiven us, and we strive to lift up all around us.



We give our best to God as an act of worship… He gave us His best. Excellence in the Christian sense is not so much about perfection as it is effectiveness in stewardship and the ability to learn from both success and failure. We’re committed to improving with the goal of Christ remaining the center.


We would love the opportunity to answer any additional questions you might have. Feel free to email us (info@schafferroad.org) and one of our staff members will get right back with you. You may also phone the church office at 770-437-9047.

It’s impossible to learn everything about a church on the internet. We hope that you will join us and find out more for yourself. We look forward to seeing you soon.


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9:30-10:15 - Bible Study
10:30 am - Worship Service
TBD - Early Service
7:00 pm - Bible Study for all


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